Who I Am

I am a 12 year old girl who lives in Teaneck, NJ. I am fortunate to have had so many things in my life
that make me happy, but realized that what brings me the most joy is bringing happiness to others.

I created this website in honor of my Bat Mitzvah to raise money for multiple chessed organizations that I have been involved with – BUT, more importantly, to give others ideas of how they can spread some

Not only will you help someone, but you will help yourself as well, because you will realize that it makes you happier to give.

Trust me, a lot of these ideas are a ton of fun and will create great memories that will stay with you forever. So whether you are in the Teaneck area, or live far away from here, like in Israel, join me as together we spread some light!

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All profits are donated to Chessed projects.

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